Precise Positioning for Autonomy

In the rapidly evolving world of autonomous freight operations, reliable and accurate positioning is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. GPR's WaveSense technology is leading the charge in transforming how autonomous trucks navigate, offering unparalleled precision and reliability in all conditions.

Unmatched Accuracy in Any Environment

GPR’s WaveSense technology provides trucks with the most reliable means of localizing relative to the roads they cover. The system feeds detailed, centimeter-level positioning data into a truck’s navigation system, enabling consistent autonomous driver-assist capabilities, including lane-keeping, regardless of weather or visibility.

  • All-Weather Performance: Maintain accuracy in snow, heavy rain, or fog where traditional sensors struggle.
  • Day and Night Operations: Perform consistently 24/7, regardless of lighting conditions.
  • Robust Against GPS Denial: Navigate confidently in urban canyons, tunnels, and other GPS-challenged areas.

Greater Uptime and Fleet Economics

All-Weather Accuracy

Heavy fog, snow, or even dust storms, GPR works reliably in any conditions, ensuring your trucks operate seamlessly, rain or shine

Functional Safety

WaveSense provides freight operators with a proven way to perform Minimum-Risk Maneuvers (MRM), relying on the sensor in conditions that others fail

Sensor Redundancy

Operates independently from the perception modalities to enhance reliability and fault tolerance of the autonomy stack

Terrain Agnostic

Leverages subsurface mapping for consistent positioning on any terrain - highways, urban streets, rural roads, or loading docks

Address Shortages

Platooning and other localization potential addresses the current labor shortages, hours-of-service regulations, and the supply of driver hours

Cost and Efficiency

Increased uptime and availability ensures autonomous trucks can run longer, make faster trips, and optimize delivery and on-time performance

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To seamlessly integrate your fleet’s operations.