How WaveSense is Transforming Autonomy in Mining

Mining And Quarry

Mining and quarry operations are notorious for their challenging and hazardous environments. Steep terrains, intricate underground passages, and the potential for unstable conditions make these settings particularly unforgiving. Autonomous mining and hauling machinery allow for 24/7/365 continued operations without putting humans in harm’s way. However, too often, these machines halt operation when failing to localize themselves accurately due to dust clouds, an ever-changing environment, inaccessible GNSS due to the pit depth, ionospheric scintillation, or simply being underground.

Autonomous operations rely on sensors that must withstand harsh conditions and nature’s elements. When the autonomy system fails and halts operations, it can become very costly.

Ground-penetrating radar, once reserved for archaeological explorations and utility detection, has now emerged as a game-changer in the field of autonomous navigation. Leveraging radar, GPR’s WaveSense acts as a reliable pathfinder for machines operating in the complex world of mining.

How Does WaveSense Work in Mines?

WaveSense uses subsurface data to create a 3-D map of subterranean features, providing a reliable over-time point of reference for equipment positioning. This real-time map is fed into the coordinate framework of the autonomous stack supporting milliseconds navigational decisions, ensuring their safe traversal in the field. The result? A notable increase in productivity, significant cost reductions, and enhanced safety. Here’s how:

Precision Redefined: GPR’s Data Difference

1. Subterranean Consistency

Mining operations, by definition, keep changing the surrounding area as they excavate materials. Unlike Lidars and computer vision sensors, GPR’s accessibility to its map and landmarks is unaffected by the innate changes of a site because of everyday functions.

2. Data Uniqueness

Subterranean data is inherently distinct from above-ground data and remain reliably stable over time. This information includes details about underground structures and geological compositions, offering a robustness of data that is always readily available for dependable localization – a crucial component for autonomous mining operations.

3. Limited External Interference

Unlike above-ground scenarios where weather conditions, dust, and lighting can impact sensor accuracy, subterranean environments are shielded from external influences. This provides a unique advantage for the mining and hauling machinery that is operating in an environment with a significant amount of dust and particulate matter underground.

4. Reduced Reliance on External Infrastructure

In subterranean environments, there may be limited or no access to GPS signals or external communication networks. GPR is the only localization sensor modality that is independent of external infrastructure or the need for connectivity to satellites.

Beneath the Surface Benefits

Global autonomous mining operations continue to rise. By May 2022, the number of autonomous haul trucks in operation globally was 1,068, an annual increase of 39%, with the figure expected to exceed 1,800 by the end of 2025. Enabling reliable use with maps created from Ground Positioning Radar ensures:

  • Resilient to Ionospheric Disturbances

Not affected by ionospheric scintillation, WaveSense localization remains reliable, ensuring precise positioning and continued operations

  • Uninterrupted Productivity

Greater localization availability leads to greater autonomous uptime, regardless of environmental conditions

  •  Increased Safety

Consistent positioning in autonomous vehicles reduces the risk of accidents caused by localization errors, making the site safer for everyone

  • Greater Fleet Output

Increased uptime optimizes fleet utilization, maximizes schedules, and ultimately amplifies overall fleet output

  • Affordable Maintenance

Modular design for rapid installation, lean computing budget, and low power consumption provides further cost advantages

To learn more about WaveSense for mining and quarry, see here or contact GPR today.