We are GPR

GPR Leadership, Board, and Advisors

The GPR team brings vision and experience that is redefining new frontiers in autonomous and assisted driving.

Leadership Team


Moran David


Moran is a three-time company founder and entrepreneur who built businesses in various industries in Chile and the U.S. Before joining GPR, he held the CCO position at Sea Machines Robotics, and before that, Moran led Mobileye’s North American operations for seven years. An accomplished executive leader with extensive expertise in strategic planning, sales, and marketing, Moran is passionate about the future of disruptive technologies in the intelligent mobility space.

Noah Gedrimas, VP Strategy

Noah Gedrimas

Vice President of Strategy

Noah currently leads GPR’s commercial strategy and partnerships across commercial and OEM businesses. Previously he was the Director of Autonomy, developing the Ground Positioning Radar technology and making it able to localize with centimeter-level accuracy in any condition by mapping and tracking subterranean data. Prior to GPR, Noah led a team at Continental Automotive that developed several autonomous vehicles across multiple Operational Design Domains.


Vanya Banjac

Vice President of Marketing

Vanya brings over a decade of brand-to-demand generation experience as GPR’s first marketing hire. Prior to joining, Vanya led Mobileye’s North America marketing efforts, working in autonomy and ADAS technology with commercial fleets. Then transitioned to autonomous technology for the maritime space before joining GPR in the mission to enable safe and reliable intelligent mobility. 

Thomas Cashman

Thomas Cashman

Vice President of Engineering

Thomas brings decades of automotive engineering experience to his role at GPR. Prior to GPR, he was Chief Engineer at ClearMotion where he was instrumental in developing and launching an active suspension for passenger vehicles. He’s also led engineering teams at Bose’s automotive division. Thomas holds a BS from Northeastern University.

Mario Flores

Mario Flores

Vice President of Product

Mario leads GPR’s program execution with automakers and Tier 1 suppliers. Prior to GPR, he was Director of Mobility Solutions at ClearMotion where he oversaw product development and program management. He’s also been Global Program Manager at Bendix. Mario holds an MBA from Case Western Reserve and a BS from Kettering University.

Board of Directors


Moran David


Moran is a three-time company founder and entrepreneur who built businesses in various industries in Chile and the U.S. Before joining GPR, he held the CCO position at Sea Machines Robotics, and before that, Moran led Mobileye’s North American operations for seven years. An accomplished executive leader with extensive expertise in strategic planning, sales, and marketing, Moran is passionate about the future of disruptive technologies in the intelligent mobility space.

GPR board team members

Carsten Boers

Managing Partner of Rhapsody Venture Partners

GPR board team members

Roger Nielsen

Former CEO of Daimler Truck North America

Board of Directors GPR experts

Jorge Heraud

Former CEO Blue River Technology


GPR board team members Kurt Lehmann

Kurt Lehmann

Former CTO of Continental

GPR board team members

Charles “Chuck” Stevens

Former CFO of General Motors

Ingo Struermer

Dr. Ingo Sturmer

Former SVP of Volkswagen AG

GPR board team members

Bruce Gordon

Executive Chair at GeoDigital

GPR Goes a Step Deeper

Our WaveSense solution enables pinpoint accuracy even in the most challenging conditions. Connect with our team to learn more.