Groundbreaking Localization

In the challenging world of autonomous mining, precise and reliable positioning is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. GPR's WaveSense technology stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering unparalleled localization availability that keeps your operations running smoothly, safely, and efficiently.
The subterranean data under the driving surface is akin to a unique and easily detectable fingerprint. Underground data provides unique landmarks isolated from environmental conditions.

Positioning in Harsh Conditions and GNSS-Denied Areas

Every inch of the road and a mining site has a unique, non-changing signature full of robust characteristics ideal for localization. This information includes details about underground structures, geological compositions, water levels, and voids, offering a comprehensive understanding of the environment crucial for accurate localization.

Unlike above-ground scenarios where adverse weather, solar disturbances, and lighting can impact sensor accuracy, subterranean environments are shielded from external influences. This allows GPR’s WaveSense system to provide consistent and reliable data even in dust, disruption in GNSS, severe weather conditions, and Ionospheric Scintillation.

Benefits Beneath the Surface

By incorporating WaveSense into your autonomous mining operations, you're not just solving today's positioning challenges—you're investing in a future where continuous, precise, and reliable localization drives unprecedented levels of productivity and safety.

Immune to Ionospheric Disturbances

Maintain reliable operations regardless of ionospheric scintillation

All-Weather Capable

High availability in adverse weather, dust storms, or poor visibility

Environment Agnostic

Perform accurately in high pit walls or underground operations where GNSS falls short

Orthogonal Redundancy

Cross-verify and validate positioning data, significantly reducing the risk of errors or inaccuracies

Continuous Uptime

Maintain precise positioning for optimized resource extraction and vehicle routing

Affordable Installation and Maintenance

WaveSense doesn't require expensive and time-consuming infrastructure setup or maintenance

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To provide the ultimate localization capabilities to your machinery