Destination: Dependable Localization

To ensure safe automation, shuttles must be able to localize with precise accuracy at every minute of the journey, no matter the terrain.

GPR's WaveSense technology offers a groundbreaking solution that ensures uninterrupted operations for your autonomous shuttle fleet, addressing the unique challenges of diverse shuttle environments.

GPR equipped automated shuttle

Autonomous Positioning Anywhere

GPR’s WaveSense provides shuttles with the most reliable means of localizing relative to their operating domain.  

The system feeds centimeter-level positioning data into a vehicle’s navigation system, enabling consistent autonomous driver-assist capabilities, including lane-keeping and automated parking, regardless of the surface conditions. 

  • All-Weather Performance: Maintain accuracy in rain, snow, or fog where camera-based systems and GPS struggle.
  • Robust Against Urban Canyon Effects: Navigate confidently in areas with tall buildings that can block or reflect GPS signals.
  • Unaffected by Changing Landscapes: Maintain precise positioning despite seasonal changes, construction, or temporary obstructions.

Consistent, Reliable Uptime

By integrating WaveSense into your autonomous shuttle fleet, you're not just solving today's positioning challenges—you're future-proofing your operations for the next wave of urban mobility innovation.

Passenger Safety

Consistent localization minimizes the risk of collisions and ensures smooth rides for both passengers and pedestrian areas

24/7 Localization

Enable round-the-clock shuttle services with consistent performance, even in night or poor lighting conditions

Reliability and Capability

Regardless of severe weather conditions or disruption in GNSS availability, meets functional safety requirements for broad operational areas

High Availability for ROI

Decreasing stoppage due to positioning errors increases shuttle utilization to meet service demands and maximize revenue potential

Scalable Solution

Easily expand your shuttle routes or deploy in new areas without additional positioning infrastructure or extensive remapping

Customizable for Future-Proof

Suitable for various shuttle sizes and designs, from small pods to full-size buses, urban or industrial shuttle transit

Schedule a Demo

To discover how WaveSense can transform your fleet's capabilities